First Day Fixes

Hi! It's about 12 hours after the big 10/27/22  deadline, and I fixed a couple issues that prevented players from reaching the game's conclusion:

  • The \links that were pointing to files on my computer are now pointing to /links people can actually look at
  • The debug screen is off, chained down, and won't spring on unsuspecting players even if the game produces an error message
  • Added [brackets] around the southernmost room, to allow the Below and the Summit endings to manifest bodily in the game
  • The Incoherence Game Over screen has a link to the final passage, rather than trapping you eternally with your neighbor
  • "Your neighbor is in the Garden" text starts hidden but can be toggled on
  • The compass in the southernmost room works now, after changing all the "$southSwitch" to "$south's switch"
  • Taking the quilt and giving Hawk the shards refresh the compass, so the game can still be played when Jericho's coherence is low
  • I'm sure I'll find some I missed, but most "> TAKE OBJECT" actions are impacted by Jericho's coherence

Outstanding Issues:

  • Your neighbor is still able to spawn in camp. But is that a bug, or is that a feature?
  • It's a bug.
  • Severe lag at low coherence, especially in the Camp
  • I figured out why entering a custom name only worked sometimes: If you have third party cookies disabled, the game can't let the player change variables.
  • I think I called it the Cosmic Horror Jam instead of Horrors on the end screen.

Phew! Time to take a break, eat a food, and see some cosmic horrors.


Mewler Play in browser
Oct 27, 2022

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